Understanding And Handling The Challenges Of Filing For Bankruptcy

To handle the bankruptcy process well, you need to understand the challenges that are inherent to it. A bankruptcy lawyer will want you to prepare for these five potential challenges. Choosing a Bankruptcy Type First, you have to determine which type of bankruptcy is appropriate for you. If you file for the wrong type of bankruptcy, the court will keep your filing fee and make you start over from scratch.

You Can Mount Multiple Defenses In A DUI Case

When thinking about presenting a DUI defense, it's easy to get tunnel vision and focus on the idea of presenting one defense. Many people are unaware that they may even be able to present multiple arguments in their cases. A DUI lawyer will often prefer to attack the state's case on multiple fronts. Here is how they might approach the problem of presenting multiple defenses. Procedural Defense Regardless of the type of defense you settle on, you always have the right to raise questions about police and court procedures.

What Is Materiality in Criminal Law?

Whenever the state brings a criminal case against a person, that individual has the right to question numerous aspects of the allegations. One of the most important factors, especially in the early stages of a case, is materiality. Here is what materiality is and why it might matter in your case. Definition Everything that happens in a criminal case needs to be material. This means the various bits of the case have to be legally relevant to the question of whether or not a defendant committed a crime.