You Have The Right To Remain Silent: When Keeping Your Mouth Shut After Arrest Is Best

From the moment an officer lets you know that you are being placed under arrest by reading you your Miranda Rights, you are no longer obligated to speak to law enforcement, investigators, or anyone else who has a question after you are charged with a crime. Surprisingly, however, many folks who land in hot water and get arrested tend to say far more than they should before they have an attorney present for fair representation.

Three Things You Should Know If You're Arrested on a Drug-Possession Charge

Drug possession is one of the most common drug charges, and it carries serious potential implications, including hefty fines and incarceration. It's important to remember that being charged does not mean you will be found guilty and convicted when the charge goes to court. In most cases, it's best to hire an attorney with criminal-law experience to go over your charges with you and help you understand your options so you're not facing the charge on your own with limited knowledge of the legal system.

The Appeal Ordeal ~ Potential Trial Errors You Need To Be Aware Of

Do you have a criminal conviction? If so, you likely have several concerns, and you may feel as though your case was handled improperly. You may want to appeal your case, but perhaps you have doubts or do not know how to initiate the appeals process. Some people have been successfully granted appeals by proving that there were errors in their cases. The following are types of reversible errors that may qualify you for an appeal in your case.

Possession And Distribution Of Illegal Substances: A Primer

If you have been caught red handed with illegal substances, you might receive either a possession or intent to distribute charge; in some cases, both. It is important that these two terms are not used interchangeably, as the punishment for each respective crime can differ greatly, as well as the defenses used during a trial. Throughout the course of this brief primer, you will learn what the difference is between possession and distribution.